Friday 23 May 2014

One Lesson We Have Learned In CID Lessons


I learnt more about presentation skills, how to keep my audience engaged in the presentation and how to make the slides for visually appealing. For example, a presentation should not have too many words as it is boring to read. Instead, illustrations and pictures can be used to prove our points. Also, we should enunciate clearly and maintain eye contact with the audience at all times. This is one of the things that I have learnt from the CID lessons thus far.

Ting Fang:

I learnt how to always try to make my powerpoint stand out and also to enhance the way I present my ideas, such that the information is easily processed by the audience. I also learnt to only say necessary information so as to prevent confision. Not only that, i came to realize that illustrations are also a very effective way of presenting our points to our readers, rather than making then visualize everything themselves. In conclusion, I learnt how we should always make our presentation easy to understand for the reader and how we should minimize confusion too.  

Yi Xuan:

One thing I learned in CID lessons is how to make good and effective power point slides. I learned to use contrasting colours for the background and text of the power point slides and how big the font should at least be. I also learned different ways to catch the audience's attention with my slides,. For example, pictures can be added to either catch attention or to allow better visualization. I also learned to link back to a theme when presenting so that my whole presentation will be focused.


One thing I learned in CID is definitely good presentation. Slides have to be short good, simple. Colors must be visible to audience, words clear to them. Not too bright , not too dull. Words cannot be lengthy and always have eye contact. The presentation must be engaging and well understood by audience. These small little things learned during CID lessons are very important. Our presentation should always be on topic and must always answer the question. CID made me able to learn more 
stuff inside and outside of school too.

Gerald Goh:

CID so far has been great for me. At the start, the group didn't exactly consist of ppl whom I like but over time that we have spent as a group together in China, I feel we have really learnt to work together as a team. I think what we wanted to manage to accomplish in China was fairly well done. So the one thing I've learnt is teamwork and how to learn to accept opinions from others and come out with better ideas together as a group

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